Best Practices in Business-to-Government Pricing Strategies

B2G Pricing is the 10th book by Stephan M. Liozu on the topic of pricing and customer value management. This volume focuses on the topic of business-to-government (B2G) pricing and, more specifically, on best practices for pricing differentiated, high-value, and complex offers to government procurement entities. In 22 chapters organized in four sections-pricing, value-based pricing, price-to-win, and innovation in pricing-the book combines Dr. Liozu's experience in the area of B2B pricing with his many years of experience in the B2G pricing world.
It also contains valuable contributions from experts in the field who've spent decades in government contracting and pricing: Katie Ashton, CGI Dennis Berg, Shipley Associates Michele Flynn, SIREAS LLC Andreas Hinterhuber, Università Ca' Foscari Kim Kelly, Knowledge Link Alex King, Amplio Services Marsha Lindquist, Granite Leadership Strategies Michael Mansard, Zuora Scott Miller, Miller Advisors Larry Newman, Shipley Associates Michael O'Guin, Knowledge Partner Emmanuel Poidevin, Chris Street, Thales UK Kate Vitasek, University of Tennessee.