A Practical Roadmap to Frame, Price, and Sell B2B Digital Offers

The Digital revolution promises trillions of dollars in created value by 2030. Consultants and researchers are projecting massive and disruptive disruption in entire industrial sectors. As a results, PwC reports in their DigitalIQ report that 73% of executives say that they are investing in internet of things (IoT) and 54% in artificial intelligence. ABB predicts that 33 billion things or objects will be connected to the internet by 2020. So we are experiencing a deluge of digital investments, programs, and large-scale transformations.
Yet, and despite this tsunami of activities, in 2017, Cisco reported that 60% of IoT Initiatives stall in the Proof of Concept phase and that only 26% of companies have had an IoT initiative that they consider a success. In 2017, Siemens also revealed that less than a fifth (18%) of surveyed companies analyze more than 60% of production data they collect. Finally, Simon-Kucher & Partners (SKP) reports that 3 out of 4 firms that invested in digitalization in the past 3 years fail in their efforts due to the lack of monetization strategies, the focus on the wrong priorities, the lack of customer intimacy, and the neglect of digital pricing best practices. In fact, only 18% of these firms are true digital heroes.
Despite the high level of interest and investments, the reality is that most companies are just getting started. The digital champions are not yet reaping the fruit of their investments. Most companies tend to struggle with the process of designing digital business models, with the development of truly differentiated offers, and with the monetization and pricing of their data-based offers.
This book focuses on the topics of data monetization and of the value-based pricing of data-driven offers. The authors introduce a newly-developed practical data monetization roadmap that can be used by digital project teams, incubators, and digital factories to better frame their offers and to apply the principles of value-based pricing. They present options in digital pricing models and practical guidelines on how to deploy them.
Readers will learn:
The various monetization and value creation models for data-enabled offers
The 8 steps of the data monetization framework
The best practices in designing differentiated data-enabled offers
The value-based pricing of data and options in digital pricing models
Business model implications of switching from ownership to consumption model