The pricing profession has come a long way: from having a pure clerical function back in the 1970s to a more strategic one today, pricing professionals are increasingly accepted as fully fledged members of marketing and finance teams. However, in many of these organizations, pricing professionals are often misunderstood and neglected from a career and talent perspective. Furthermore, the literature is still silent on how to manage and develop pricing teams.
Pricing and Human Capital explores the specific nature of pricing human resources and focuses on how to manage pricing teams, pricing talent, pricing careers and how to organize the pricing function for success. It is dedicated to the pricing function and is aimed at helping pricing professionals manage their career within marketing, finance, sales or IT departments.
By focusing on specific practical tips, tools and recommendations that pricing and HR teams can adopt to improve their relationships, and including extensive interviews with senior pricing executives, it is the perfect toolkit for both HR and pricing professionals. This valuable textbook with its collection of cases in pricing will also be essential for students and tutors of marketing and sales.