Pricing and the Sales Force is the first book to link pricing strategy and the sales force together. Pricing strategy is now well established as an important means of driving profits for many organizations. Countless companies are now mastering price-setting. But what about "price-getting" – converting those list prices into the realized sales, and as a result, greater profitability? This is the domain of the sales force.
A selection of the world’s leading specialists explore different aspects of sales force and pricing strategy integration:
Introduction: overview on the state of the art
Building key capabilities: best practices for building sales force capabilities in pricing and value quantification
Engaging the sales force: driving organizational change processes with the sales force
Designing effective selling processes: designing and implementing processes that enable superior performance
Aligning sales force incentives and building the infrastructure: insights into how to align sales force incentive schemes; tools and instruments to enable the sales force to perform.
The third in Hinterhuber and Liozu’s successful pricing series, this book is essential reading for pricing strategy and sales scholars and practitioners.