As with executives and managers in so many other business functions, pricing specialists are being challenged more and more to substantiate the added value of their activities. Pricing is a core function of every business and nee
ds not only to contribute positively to short- aand long-term results but also to document its impact on the bottom line. A fundamental part of this is the pricing return on investment (ROI) calculations.
This second book, edited by globally renowned thought leaders Stephan Liozu and Andreas Hinterhuber, is the first to outline contemporary theories and best practices of documenting pricing ROI and make the case for pricing investments. It provides proven methods, practices and theories on how to calculate the impact of pricing activities on performance. Marketing ROI is now a common concept; this collection aims to do the same for pricing. Liozu and Hinterhuber introduce the concept of pricing ROI, documenting and quantifying the return on pricing activities and on the pricing function, which itself is of increasing relevance today and in the future, in times of budget constraints.
Twenty world-class specialists explore the concept of pricing ROI from both a theoretical perspective and a managerial perspective to shed much-needed light on how to measure and increase pricing ROI.
This ground-breaking book will enlighten students and specialists of marketing and sales, pricing managers and executives alike.